American Cultural Studies is a program that provides a critical and interdisciplinary overview of US culture(s) and histories. Students explore and analyze various themes related to US society, past and present, and advance their English oral and writing skills. As part of their final project (a creative writing project that engages with US history or culture), students also learn the basics of short-story writing.
The ACS extension course includes the following modules:
US Culture through Literature and Film (15 sessions)
US Studies (8 sessions)
African American History (5 sessions)
Native American History (5 sessions)
US Speeches (5 sessions)
US Literature (10 sessions)
Journalism in the US (2 sessions)
US Rock and Pop (8 sessions)
Creative Writing Workshop (10 sessions)
Final Project Language Workshop (10 sessions)
Inglés Avanzado (B2*) es preferible
Formas de pago
Se puede cancelar con los siguientes medios de pago:
Transferencia bancaria a nombre de Universidad de Chile, RUT 60.910.000-1 Banco Santander, cuenta corriente 3980074-8.