"500 Years of the Protestant Reformation. Trajectories and Perspectives"

500 Years of the Protestant Reformation. Trajectories and Perspectives

To mark the occasion of the 500th anniversary of the year in which Luther nailed his 95 theses on the power and efficacy of indulgences, a conference in Santiago de Chile will address the overall impact of the Reformation. The consequences of the Reformation went far beyond the life of the Christian church and theology. In Germany and the rest of Europe, and soon in the whole Western world, new ways of viewing religious life, society, and the relationship between politics and religion emerged.

Organized by the Department of Historical Sciences of the University of Chile, “500 Years of the Protestant Reformation. Trajectories and Perspectives” is open to individual short paper presentations (20-minute presentations) by graduate students and established scholars in all the related fields. The conference will take place on May 29-30, 2017.

We encourage papers on the following themes:

  • Forerunners of the Reformation
  • National Reformations and their expansion
  • Political, economic, and social thought of the Reformers
  • The political and cultural impact of the Reformation in Europe
  • Works by major religious thinkers of the Reformation
  • The continuing influence of the Reformation

Presentations on related topics can also be considered by the organizing committee. Those interested in giving a paper should offer a title and a brief synopsis (300–500 words) of their proposed contribution. Proposals together with a short cv should be sent to Matías Maldonado at the address reformaprotestante.congreso@gmail.com. Conference languages will be Spanish and English.

  • Proposals will be accepted until November 30, 2016.
  • Authors will be notified about the selection by January 10, 2017.
  • The definitive text of the presentation should be sent by April 28, 2017.

Organizing Committee:

Dr. Zvonimir Martinic D., Professor of Modern History, Universidad de Chile.
Dr. Manfred Svensson, Professor of Medieval Philosophy, Universidad de los Andes.
Dra. Sandra Arenas, Professor of Ecumenical Theology, P. Universidad Católica de Chile.
Dr. Tomás Villarroel, Professor of European History, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez.
Dr. Ángel Gordo, Professor of Medieval History, Universidad de Santiago/Universidad de Chile.

Conference Coordinator: Matías Maldonado, Lic. in History, Universidad de Chile,
Graduate Student in Contemporary Thought, Universidad Diego Portales.

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